Defining The Process
When you're thinking about delegating tasks for remote work, it's crucial to figure out which jobs absolutely require your personal touch and which can be passed on to others. Look for tasks that can be handled from a distance, are fairly straightforward, and have clear objectives.
How To Identify Tasks To Delegate
Could your business benefit from some extra help, but you're not sure where to start? Create these 3 essential lists to uncover tasks that could be delegated.
Scrolling for Inspiration? Try This Instead!
While it's tempting to go online, hoping for inspiration (I'm guilty of this, too), I've realized that time without distractions has given me way more ideas and inspiration than scrolling ever has.
9 Simple Ways To Make Your Business More Efficient
From tidying up your digital files to whipping up standardized templates and setting up maintenance schedules, these organizational tips will stop you from wasting valuable time and boost your overall productivity.